🎶“Star Boy”, commonly known as “Wizkid“. Comes through with a brand new Superb-Remix, record Tagged “Ojuelegba”. It’s a brand new robust masterpiece record, the released track as a Remix”,
which carries the amazing combination of legends from different types of continents, working together to create peace and love through the Nigerian based super talented star Wizkid, also known as Star Boy he has received some considerations for his brand new release hit buzzing record entitled “OJUELEGBA”.
Wizkid Ft. Slap Dee x Drake & Skepta – Ojuelegba [Remixe] as (cover-remake) which inspired the American based artists Drake, and Skepta. appreciate the work by doing a joint in by sharing the side of the story together with the Zambian musical notch and Hip-hop Mogul “Slap Dee” also known as “King Dizzo”.
“Slap Dee” also shared is part of the story as well as he opened up the track and later hand-braked it over to the American icon and super talented star “Drake” jump’s in to share his piece of page to the story as he also gives space to the American based rapper “Skepta”. who also drops his application which based on his true life story time, “Wizkid“.
“Wizkid”, released the (joint masterpiece) which is a blazing all over the world and it is Entitled “Ojuelegba“. (feeling good tonight) as it has a (cover) now which is a remake of original song done by “Wizkid” grab it below on the “Download”, link below and enjoy the lyrics.
Check out the brand new track “Ojuelegba”, (Cover Remix) by Wizkid, Slapdee, Drake and Skepta grab it on the Download Link below and enjoy the lyrics.